For some of us, the thought of walking up a staircase or climbing into a car gives us a shudder- as we think about the pain in our knees that’s likely to follow. Osteoarthritis in the knees, that painful feeling we experience in our knee joints, is an all too common occurrence these days, and it’s also the reason that hundreds of thousands of knee replacements are performed each year. There’s some confusion as to why the incidence of this condition has significantly increased over the years- is it the higher prevalence of obesity, inflammation, other environmental factors? The jury is still out but new research offers some possibilities. For further understanding, take a look Here. And even if osteoarthritis is not your worry, there are plenty of other causes of pain and problems in your knees as you get older. For a good overview of the mechanics of the knee and what can go wrong, gently take a seat and Click Here.