Uncertain Aging: How LGBT Seniors Navigate The Aging Landscape

Uncertain Aging: How LGBT Seniors Navigate The Aging Landscape
June 21, 2018
LGBT seniors have perhaps witnessed more change in their personal lives, and society at large, than many of us realize. As young people, the ability to be open and honest was available to few and now, in their later years, they stand witness to the changes society has embraced in the last couple of decades. These changes, however, may or may not help aging LGBT seniors, who may not have the family networks or financial supports in place to ease the burdens of aging.
To start, many older gay individuals may not have some of the usual touchstones needed for a good quality of life in their later years. Due to discrimination, limited job opportunities, or non-traditional family arrangements, financial planning for their retirement years may require more creative thinking. For an example of the planning challenges, take a look at this report from Prudential Here. Some organizations have even started special programs to help LGBT seniors who may have no one to appoint as a power of attorney or health care surrogate decision maker. And for those LGTB seniors who require long-term care, either at home or in a facility, they may once again be faced with discrimination or disapproval even if they have lived openly in the community for years. To better understand the challenges, take a look at this recent Boston Globe article.
To help navigate what can be rough terrain, there is an organization- SAGE– whose mission is to advocate for and provide services to, LGBT seniors. And there are now even intergenerational volunteer programs linking gay seniors with younger members of the LGTB community, each with something to learn from the other. So, while recognizing that June is Pride month, make sure to note that senior members of the LGBT community may need extra help in ensuring that the lives they have lived are honored and respected.