With repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as agenda item #1 in the new Congress, many may mistakenly assume that if they do not currently get insurance through the exchanges, they will not be affected. That is a wrong assumption. Repeal of the ACA will have massive impact throughout our health care system, including negative consequences for Medicare recipients and those who use Medicaid to pay for long term care (millions of people receive long term care services through Medicaid). For example, if the ACA is repealed, those who receive prescription drug coverage through Part D in Medicare may see the return of the “donut hole,” and potentially incur significant additional medication costs. As well, pilot programs to pay for community- based long term care rather than nursing home care will now be in jeopardy. Not to mention the massive disruption in hospitals and health care systems that deliver care to everyone, including seniors. Hold on to your hats- we’re in for a very bumpy ride. To read more about these potential changes, Read Here and Here.
The Take Away: How Repeal Of The ACA Will Affect Seniors

The Take Away: How Repeal Of The ACA Will Affect Seniors
January 5, 2017