Take A Hot One: Why You Might Want To Luxuriate In The Bathtub

Take A Hot One: Why You Might Want To Luxuriate In The Bathtub
October 3, 2018
When was the last time you took a long soak in the tub? Few of us seem to have the time or inclination these days to just put aside our cares and climb into a warm bath. This is despite the fact that experts believe a warm bath can help you sleep better at night or that baths are thought to provide significant physical and psychological benefits for you, including lowering blood pressure, burning calories or elevating your mood. And while seniors with very dry skin or balance problems need to be careful plunging into a hot bath, there seems to be growing research into the health benefits, somewhat akin to exercise, of a good soak.
And now we’re about to have a new book on precisely this idea. Bathe: The Art of Finding Rest, Relaxation and Rejuvenation in a Busy World will be published within the coming weeks. Written by British wellness writer Suzanne Duckett, who’s also behind the blog The Antidote, Duckett wants to convince you that we need to recapture the ancient and powerful healing properties of a good bath routine. So grab that rubber duckie and give it a try.