Summer Travel: On The Road Or On Your Screen?

Summer Travel: On The Road Or On Your Screen?
June 10, 2020
It may not be the right time to plan extravagant summer travel, but many of us are giving serious thought to some good old-fashioned road trips. Cloistered in your own car with only your quarantine buddies beside you, you may feel like this is exactly the right time to hit the road and tour your own part of the world. And while that may be true, it doesn’t mean you won’t have to take some serious precautions before and during your adventure. As a recent post in The Wall Street Journal (paywall) makes clear, there are many factors you’ll need to consider in advance, from understanding the COVID situation at your destination to stocking up on the wipes and sanitizers for everything from hotel door handles to rental car steering wheels. And if it’s not too delicate a question: Have you thought about what you’re going to do for a restroom along the way? A recent article in the Boston Globe touched upon this topic, as many people seem to be limiting their travel (and their dietary intake) so as to avoid the dilemma of where “to void.”
Some of us may decide that there’s no point in hopping into the car, given the likelihood that many of our summer pleasures have been canceled anyway. But take heart (and take note): Several noteworthy summer festivals have moved online for your viewing pleasure. For example, Tanglewood has initiated an online summer festival this year, and The Williamstown Theater Festival is partnering with Audible to bring you their summer performances. KQED, the San Francisco public radio station, has an ongoing and up-to-date list of summer performances you’ll be able to listen to, as does Travel and Leisure. Unfortunately, if you’re hoping that live orchestra performances may be available again anytime soon, you need to read this recent Wired article on why that’s not likely.
And if the travel restrictions are leaving you forlorn, then check out how travel photographer Erin Sullivan has made lemonade out of the lemons she was handed when she could no longer travel for work. Using everyday objects from broccoli to pancakes, you need to see how she’s fashioned travel adventures out of ordinary items. So pull out your camera, and click here to learn more about her amazing photographic fantasies.