Style and Stability: Say Hello To Bue, The Beautiful New Shower Chair

Style and Stability: Say Hello To Bue, The Beautiful New Shower Chair
May 26, 2021
There’s a tendency when contemplating “aging in place”- and the equipment that may be needed to make that happen- that function automatically takes precedence over form- that it’s more important for the product to work than to look good. While some may be willing to settle for a useful product that’s aesthetically mediocre, many want something that looks as good as it functions. In particular, as builders and designers look to incorporate “wellness trends” into aging-in-place designs, the bathroom becomes a primary focus of form versus function. It’s a place in our homes we tend to spend a lot of time, and it’s a place where accidents can happen: floors get slippery, getting onto and off a toilet may become tough and reaching and washing may become hazardous. But it’s also a place where good design can yield pleasing results, whether it’s a beautifully curved grab bar or a sumptuous shower seat. In fact, one such seat now exists, and we’re excited to introduce agebuzz readers to this new product: The Bue Shower Chair.
Developed and produced by Bue founders Jacob Whyman and Christopher Crowhurst (Christopher was the entrepreneur behind the #1 best selling cane, The HurryCane. For an example of one, click here) the Bue chair is a lightweight, aesthetically pleasing, and comfortable chair designed for your shower but beautiful enough to take out into your yard as well. Recently, agebuzz founder Connie Zuckerman was able to interview the Bue founders to find out more about their product. What follows is an edited version of their conversation:
CZ: Tell us about the origins of your company, Bue. What was the motivation behind starting the company? What were you hoping to accomplish?
Bue was formed because we saw how aging affected our parents. We decided there had to be a better way than turning your house and particularly your bathroom into a hospital-like facility. So we are changing the process of aging to become one that allows people to luxuriate in comfort and safety rather than be worried, dependent, and lose their self-reliance.
CZ: What can you tell us about the products that older adults may need as they “age in place?” What’s your sense of what older adults need to consider in order to make their home “ready” to accommodate the changes we all go through as we get older?
Most importantly don’t give up your personality and style when considering how you want to live. Mobility and security can be provided while still maintaining a sense of personal style and charisma. Form is as important as function.
CZ: Tell us about your product, the Folding Shower Chair. What prompted you to create this as your first product?
Have you seen what existed previously in the market for shower chairs? We knew we could improve the shower chairs of yesterday by considering comfort and aesthetic in previously uncharted ways. Notice the classic lines of the chair’s curved arms. The selection of bold colors. The use of high-quality materials. And the lack of compromise in our approach to the bathing experience. Safety is necessary, but most importantly the use of strong design principles allows us to start with the shower chair user’s experience and ensure they can feel and experience a sense of style and comfort while being assured they are safe.
CZ: What are the important features of your shower chair? What should older adults know about putting a chair into a shower? What are the reasons someone may need this product? And how does your chair differ from other shower chairs on the market?
Showers can be hazardous places. They are slippery by design! A shower chair is a great way to ensure you can obtain an excellent clean body without the concern of ending up sitting on the floor getting drenched! When we designed our chair we started by thinking about how people get the chair into the shower. By making it folding it can be stored or transported easily. It can then be unfolded in place. The legs adjust to accommodate a range of heights. And most importantly the feet adjust to maximize the stability of the chair. We then made every surface curved, helping to shed any water that might otherwise collect on the seat. This helps improve the stability. You will notice that the arms gently curve inwards – why is this important? Think about sitting down backward into this chair, the arms guide you automatically to sit within the comfort and safety of the seat, without fear of slipping off. The back is designed to give comfortable support while allowing you to lean back to clean the upper body with ease.
CZ: Is it heavy? Would it be difficult to navigate getting in and out of the shower if the chair was present?
The chair is made of lightweight Aluminum and plastics and weighs 11.6 pounds. It is easy to lift and unfold.
CZ: How would someone go about purchasing your chair? What’s the cost?
The chair can be purchased online at It costs $249 including shipping. We are also happy to offer a special discount to agebuzz readers. Simply insert the code “AGEBUZZ15” as a discount code at checkout and you will receive 15% off your purchase!
CZ: What about warranties and returns?
We offer a 100 shower guarantee. If you do not love your Bue Shower Chair, we’ll give you your money back no questions asked.
CZ: What’s your best advice to those of us who want to continue living in our homes despite aging and possible disability?
Don’t give up your freedom and style. Invest in quality, stylish products that allow you to remain independent and active in the luxury and comfort you deserve.
CZ: Any last thoughts you would like to share with agebuzz readers?
Live long and prosper.
Please Note: If you purchase a Bue Shower Chair using the special code in this post, agebuzz may receive a modest fee. This helps us cover our costs and ensures that agebuzz remains free for all readers. Thank you!