Stressed Out: The Impact Of Stress On Your Health And Well-Being
Stressed Out: The Impact Of Stress On Your Health And Well-Being
September 13, 2018
No matter where you live or which political side you’re on, you’re probably experiencing an uptick in your stress level these days. From life’s little annoyances to the most profound sources of upheaval, many are experiencing a rising sense of stress and emotional turmoil. The question is, what impact can this have on your physical health?
There’s no lack of evidence that stress can have a significant impact on your health. For example, a recent study found a likely connection between emotional stress and certain causes of heart attacks in women under the age of 60. More generally, we know that stress can affect a long list of diseases and can disrupt hormones, interrupt healthy behaviors and reduce resistance to infection. And while not all stress leads to sickness, we do know that stress can make existing health problems worse. For an overview of what we already know, and what we’ve yet to determine, regarding stress and your physical health, breathe deeply and read here. And for insight into how stress can also affect your brain functioning, including memory and attention, focus your mind and click here.
So how to respond? There are innumerable ways to manage and reduce stress- everything from yoga and the proverbial cup of tea to more creative methods involving sensory stimulation or using your imagination. For a range of stress-reducing suggestions, turn your attention here.