If you have the chance to see photos from your grandson’s latest travel adventure, or can wish an old friend birthday wishes with the click of a button, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that? If recent research is correct, it does seem like senior users of Facebook are enjoying the ease of connection and observation that Facebook allows. What they don’t like, however, is equally important. According to new research out of Penn State, older participants on Facebook enjoy being “voyeurs” of other people’s life events, but sharing their own personal details? Not so much. Researchers found that seniors have significant concerns about the privacy of their personal information as well as disinterest in the “triviality” of much of what appears on social media. To find out more about what attracts and what repels older users of social media, Click Here. And for those of you who are confused and confounded by the slangs and abbreviations that appear all over social media, get some translations by looking Here.