You may be familiar with the award winning public radio program, On Being. Hosted by journalist and author Krista Tippet, the show tackles some of the big questions in life. The website for On Being not only features stories from each week’s radio program but it also has essays that delve into matters of human connection and spirituality. Currently on the website is a piece by Courtney Martin, exploring the robust friendships that women often make over the course of their lifetimes and the lack of these same sorts of connections for most men. The data show that men are 1/3 more likely to die shortly after losing their wives than women who lose their husbands. We know that isolation and loneliness can affect health and well being, and Martin suggests that for the sake of supporting male longevity we need to ensure that men invest in social engagement the way that women do. It’s a provocative and important essay- take a few moments and Read It Here.