Smoke Signal: The Impact of Marijuana On Your Brain

Smoke Signal: The Impact of Marijuana On Your Brain
August 30, 2018
Whether it’s a hazy memory from your youth or a swirl of smoke today, most of us have had some exposure to, and experience with, marijuana. And as a generation, baby boomers constitute the fastest growing demographic of cannabis consumers in the now- legal marketplace that exists for marijuana. In fact, for those 65 and older, there was a 250% increase in marijuana use from 2006 to 2014.
But before you break out the munchies, there are some words of caution you need to hear. First, take a look at this overview of marijuana and how it affects users. And while there are an ever-increasing number of new and novel ways to ingest cannabis and experience the euphoria associated with it, you also need to be aware of new research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease that found that, among conditions and causes affecting blood flow to the brain, marijuana use seems to prematurely age the brain by 2.8 years. Furthermore, additional research found that chronic cannabis use can lead to memory deficits. So before you take a toke, take a look at the research Here.