Sleep Soundly: Achieving Better Sleep For Better Health

Sleep Soundly: Achieving Better Sleep For Better Health
March 11, 2020
You’ve heard the advice before but it’s definitely worth repeating: Getting sufficient sleep is essential for keeping your mind and body healthy. In fact, a recent post by Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, cites new research that describes sleep as performing a vital function for clearing your mind of the toxic waste proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. As Collins states, sleep, in essence, functions as “the rinse cycle” of your brain: it facilitates waves of blood and cerebrospinal fluid that rinse away toxins in the brain. So set your dial to the delicate cycle, and read more here. And for additional general information about the value of sleep for your aging body and mind, get under the covers to read here and here.
For many of us, however, it’s not that we question the value of sleep- it’s just that we find it hard to get. There are infinite sources of advice about how to sleep better, but here are a few recent additions that may help. First, coming from the Cleveland Clinic: Pay attention to the connection between your diet and your daily sleep cycle as the foods you consume may play a big role in the quality and quantity of your sleep. For example, the foods you eat can directly affect the level of serotonin in your body, a chemical that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Some suggested foods to send you off to sleep? Consider complex carbohydrates (whole grains, for example), lean proteins and even such fresh herbs as sage and basil. Also recommended? A recent post from Women’s Voices For Change suggests you move your biggest meal to the middle of the day and consume a lighter meal in the evening so that your body is not stressed trying to digest a heavy meal before bedtime. And helpful beverages? Alcohol may help you fall asleep but it’s likely to wake you up during the night and interfere with your REM sleep. So skip the cocktail and find out more by clicking here.
What about all of the gadgets and gizmos designed to track your sleep and facilitate your snoozing? Next Avenue recently reviewed some of the latest sleep technology products including devices that collect data through a watch, ring or even a sleep headband. While sleep experts remain skeptical of the value of these devices, they may give you insight into what’s keeping you up and lead to a conversation of better sleep habits. So set the alarm and read more here. Finally, if snoring is keeping you or your partner awake at night, check out the recent review of anti-snoring devices in The New York Times, including the best-reviewed product, the Smart Nora pillow insert, previously promoted in agebuzz!