Show Some Teeth: Aging And Oral Health

Show Some Teeth: Aging And Oral Health
April 27, 2018
Most of us know that dreaded feeling: your tooth begins to ache and you realize yet another trip to the dentist may be necessary. And we’re the lucky ones. Given the lack of insurance coverage for dental health care under Medicare, many older individuals can’t afford to seek out a dentist when that toothache strikes. Moreover, there’s lots of evidence to demonstrate a connection between oral health and such diseases as diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. So staying on top of your dental health seems to be an essential part of healthy aging. Recently, the Gerontological Society of America put out a comprehensive overview of oral health in older adults. With definitions, descriptions of potential dental problems and explanations of the mouth-body connection, it’s essential reading for anyone concerned about their health as they age. So open wide and Read Here. And to stay on top of good dental health routines as you age, take a look at the American Dental Association’s advice for adults over 60 Here.