Shelf Life: What Are You Reading These Days?

Shelf Life: What Are You Reading These Days?
August 12, 2020
We’re in the homestretch- those lazy days of summer that usually mean relaxation and rest before the Fall rush begins- Oh wait, that’s a sweet vision from a previous life. Many of us instead are in a constant state of anxiety, worried about our futures and bickering in the present. And books? Many are tired of reading or even thinking, and the stress of it all makes it difficult to pay attention to much. But if you’re open to considering a new book, you might want to take a look at the newly published work by journalist Marta Zaraska, Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100. Zaraska examines the relationship between psychology and longevity. Her practical take on the mind-body connection and the values of kindness, empathy, and connection may be just the salve your aching mind needs at this moment. And it may offer the support necessary to get through the present and onto a long life ahead. To read a review of the book, click here. And for those interested in a Fall reading list, you may want to check out these upcoming Penguin Random House titles (which include new works by such authors as Nick Hornby and Ken Follet) – or just peruse a list of all the new books that are out this month here.
But for those of you who just can’t summon the energy to read, but are still in love with the concept of books, there’s a new “sport” you may want to check out: It’s the “Celebrity Bookshelf” spotting adventure. Anyone watching the news these days knows the secret pleasure of spying on the home decor of pundits and professionals commenting on the news from the safety of their homes. It seems that most have decided that speaking to a virtual audience in front of their bookshelves not only gives them the veneer of credibility but it also gives the viewer the pleasure of trying to see what books are on their shelves! So, for some guilty pleasure, see what you can spot the next time you’re watching the PBS Newshour- or take a look at the recent piece in The New York Times that homes in on the books behind Tom Hanks, Sean Penn, and Yo-Yo Ma, among others!