Holding the Net: Caring for My Mother on the Tightrope of Aing

Holding the Net: Caring for My Mother on the Tightrope of Aing
A Caregiving.com choice for Best Caregiving Book of 2017, this poignant and timely memoir was also named American Book Fest’s 2017 Best Book Award Winner for Autobiography/Memoir. Even with her professional background as former hospice consultant who studied aging, illness, and the intricacies of the healthcare system, Melanie Merriman found the real-life experience of caring for her mother humbling. Written for people who have cared for a parent, are currently facing that challenge, or are aging parents themselves, Holding the Net offers practical details about the effects of aging on the body and mind, living arrangements for older people, health care decisions, and surviving a stay in a rehab facility.
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