Read On: Books To Embrace In The New Year

Read On: Books To Embrace In The New Year
January 4, 2023
With months to go before the weather turns nicer, many of us are content to hunker down with a good book, a warm drink, and a cozy blanket on winter nights. If that’s how you feel, the website The Conversation recently offered a post suggesting 5 classic books that are perfect fits for these winter evenings. Or, if you are ready to dig into some new books that may one day be classics, take a look at The Guardian’s just published lists of both fiction and non-fiction books that will be out this year.
We’d like to highlight a few recently published books that may be of particular interest to those who want to age in a healthy, happy, and meaningful way. First, you may remember back in 2017, we referenced the highly acclaimed book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, by Margareta Magnusson. The book became a best seller with its advice about downsizing and reflection on one’s possessions as we get on into our later years. Now comes a second book by Magnusson, The Swedish Art of Aging Exuberantly: Life Wisdom from Someone Who Will (Probably) Die Before You where she moves on from possessions to focus on her own life and what makes life worth living in as you get older. For a review of this brand-new work, read here.
When it comes to health, we all know that there’s an important role to be played concerning the food you eat and how your body and brain function as you get older. For that, you may want to consider the brand new book by Dr. Annie Fenn, (founder of the website Brain Health Kitchen) The Brain Health Kitchen: Preventing Alzheimer’s Through Food. Focusing on food with neuroprotective properties, and providing recipes for everyday meals, Dr. Fenn shares both her physician and culinary expertise to help you develop a path toward better eating and better brain health. And speaking of better health, we also know that inflammation, often integrally connected to the foods we eat, can be a cause of serious chronic disease and accelerated aging. In a new book that deeply investigates the body’s ability to fight inflammation and what we can do to limit or even reverse it, gastroenterologist Dr. Shilpa Ravella has provided us with insight and tools to put us on a healthier path. Her book, A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet, and Disease provides an in-depth exploration of everything you ever wanted or needed to know about inflammation. To read an interview with Dr. Ravella about her book and work, click here.