Protect Yourself: The Benefits Of Hiring An Elder Law Attorney

Protect Yourself: The Benefits Of Hiring An Elder Law Attorney
April 3, 2019
By the time we reach our later years, we carry a lifetime of experiences and relationships, with all of the complexities that can accompany a richly lived life- not to mention the physical and mental health challenges that can also arise as we get older. Occasionally these complexities create legal concerns, including money issues, work and business problems, entitlement challenges and family and relationship complications. There’s now a specific area of the law called Elder Law, which addresses concerns that are often unique to older people. And as with many challenges we face as we age, it’s often best to call in an expert when we need help.
So where would you find an elder law attorney? There are several national organizations that provide special training for such attorneys and that can lead you to an expert in your geographic region (elder law often involves state-level legal concerns, so it’s critical to find an elder law attorney who practices in your specific state). For starters, take a look at the suggestions available from the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and the National Elder Law Foundation (NELF). And if you don’t have the money to hire a private attorney? There are resources available that can provide low-cost or no-charge legal advice concerning a range of elder law issues. And the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging also has helpful info and advice.
What kinds of issues can an elder law attorney help you with? They run the gamut from program eligibility and problems (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, SSI, etc.) to planning in advance (living wills, powers of attorney, advance directives) to strategizing about your assets or real estate so that you leave your loved ones with a thoughtful plan in place. But elder law attorneys can also help with such specific concerns as fraud or abuse, housing or retirement challenges or even ageism in the workplace. Given this broad range of possible topics, it’s critical you make sure the attorney you find has expertise in your particular issue. Want some tips on how to choose an elder law attorney? Turn off Judge Judy and take a look at the suggestions from Daily Caring here.