Prediction And Prevention: What Can Be Done To Lower The Risk Of Falling?

Prediction And Prevention: What Can Be Done To Lower The Risk Of Falling?
March 19, 2025
As an older adult, you’re likely aware that your risk of falling- and risk of serious injury- continues to rise as you get older. In fact, while the statistic often quoted is that one in four adults 65 and older sustains a fall each year, some experts report that in their clinical practices that number can rise to closer to one in two adults once a person has entered his or her 70s and 80s. That means it’s important to understand how your risk of falling can be predicted and what can be done proactively to lower that risk and keep you as healthy and upright as possible. For a wide array of agebuzz content addressing falls, plant your feet on the ground and click here.
First, beyond your age and what we already know about vision, hearing, balance, and environmental problems that can raise your risk of falling, what are some clues that have surfaced to help us predict a risk of falling? A few new research studies provide some intriguing theories. First, we previously described a simple balance test that assesses the strength of your balance and how healthy you are aging. Known as the 10-second balance test, standing on one leg and holding up the other is considered a good proxy for assessing your balance and thus, the risk of falling. However, new research has suggested that 10 seconds of one-legged balancing is insufficient time to predict fall risk; in fact, 23 seconds or longer gives you a better prediction. Published in BMC Geriatrics, this Brazilian study reports that the longer someone can hold a challenging position (such as a one-leg stand or a tandem pose of heel to toe), the more accurate the prediction of whether that person is at risk for falling. The researchers report that for every additional second someone can remain holding that challenging position (up until 30 seconds), his or her risk of falling within the next 6 months drops by 5%. So get ready to lift one leg and look here.
We also know that impaired vision can raise your risk of falling (as can poor lighting), and a new study published in Optometry and Vision Science reports that those who wear progressive lenses in their glasses are more at risk of falling compared to those who wear bifocal or trifocal lenses. Previous research told us that those who wear multifocal lenses are already at higher risk of falling, especially on stairs or in unfamiliar environments, and now this new research reports that progressive lenses put you at the greatest risk. New research also examines the relationship between hand grip strength and the risk of falling. The question is whether the strength of your hand grip can predict your risk of falling. According to this research, published in BMC Geriatrics, older adults with a strong hand grip have fewer falls than those with a weaker hand grip. However, the predictive nature of a hand grip only holds for adults below the age of 75. Above that age, so many additional risk factors kick in that the predictive value of hand grip strength alone is not sufficient to foretell your risk of falling. So stick out your hand and take a look here.
What about preventive measures? The image below provides a quick and concise overview of some steps you can take to prevent yourself from falling.
New research highlights additional ways to take preventive measures. It appears that exercise, or really any physical activity, can help “break the cycle” of falls in older adults and once someone has fallen, exercise becomes a crucial tool in preventing future falls and injuries. Published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, this new study found that no matter what type of physical activity you undertake, you will lessen your risk of an injurious fall compared to those who do not engage in any physical activity. At the same time, the study reports it’s critical to get back to physical activity and movement after an injurious fall, so as not to perpetuate further risk due to lack of movement. Another recent study looked at the value of exercise among older women, especially those who take multiple medications. This study, published in Scientific Reports, found that exercise programs specifically aimed at older women using multiple medications can be an effective fall prevention strategy, especially for those with poor physical fitness. Read more about this study here. And finally, one additional research study piloted an exercise program for older adults using online, semi-individualized exercise sessions and found that with targeted exercises, a 60-minute weekly class, for 12 weeks was able to improve posture, balance, and physical strength and thereby lower the risk of injurious falls among participants. Bottom line? Like many other challenges that arise from aging, your risk of falling can be lowered- and perhaps even prevented- by engaging in regular exercise.