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    Search Results for: positive

    After The Hearse, Don’t Be A Purse Or A Nurse! By Kathleen Rehl

      When I was widowed at age 60, another woman gave me great advice.   She told me that after her husband died, she was careful not to get serious about anybody who “wanted me to be a purse for them or their nurse!”   She was right! When I…

    An Interview with Kathleen Rehl, Ph.D., The Newest agebuzz Guest Contributor

    by Connie Zuckerman   We’re very pleased to announce that Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® is our latest Featured Guest Contributor to our “What’s The Buzz?” column. Kathleen is a nationally renowned expert on issues related to widows and money. Recently, agebuzz Managing Editor Connie Zuckerman was able to interview…

    Evelyn Lauder

    “Knowing how to age and not being afraid of aging is very healthy.”

    In Working Order: Navigating The Workplace As An Older Worker

    You may not realize it, but if you’re of “traditional retirement age,” yet find yourself getting up each morning to head to the office, you’re part of a growing trend: older people who remain in the workplace well beyond the age that is typical for retirement. And whether it’s money,…

    On Purpose: The Connection Between A Meaningful Life And Longevity

    Some of us have been very lucky in our lives: we’ve found a life partner, nurtured a healthy family and maybe even found our life’s “purpose”- be it work, religion, volunteering or some other passion. And while luck and good timing may play a large role in these efforts, new…

    What Age Do You Feel? The Disconnect Between Your Age And Your Perception Of Yourself

    When you look in that morning mirror, what do you see? More importantly, does the image you see match what you feel inside? For many of us, especially as we get older, our “inner self” seems disconnected from our physical appearance or the impression that others have of us. Are…