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    Search Results for: cholesterol

    Take Heart: Updates Concerning Heart Attack Care

    While Heart Health Month is still a couple of weeks away, it’s never too early to get updates concerning your own heart health. First to report is a study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association that confirms what many have suspected: female heart attack victims are often suboptimally…

    Nuts And Bolts: New Research Highlights The Value Of Snacking On Almonds

    You probably know by now that snacking on nuts is part of a heart healthy diet. But new research, just published in the Journal of Nutrition, takes this advice to another level when it comes to almonds. We’ve known that almonds contain healthy fats, fiber and vitamin E, and that…

    Stop Watch: If You’re Over 75, It May Not Make Sense To Be On A Statin

    Last November, the US Preventive Task Force concluded that for adults over 75, with no history of heart attack or stroke, there was insufficient evidence to assess the risks versus the benefits of taking a statin as a way to lower cholesterol and prevent a cardiovascular episode. Whenever someone considers taking…

    Egg-cellent: Eating eggs and reducing stroke risk

    Many of us thought eggs were in our past: used to be that high cholesterol meant that eggs should not be in your diet. But times and advice have changed. Not only have cholesterol dietary guidelines been revised, but there’s even more reason now to consider eating eggs: Turns out…

    End Of A Trend: Longer Life Expectancies May Be Fading

    The trend line has always been positive: as time goes forward, Americans have continued to live longer. But it seems that trend line may be plateauing…or even reversing. The main culprit? Could be obesity. Since the 1960’s, because of a combination of medications and lifestyle changes, heart disease has been…