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    Search Results for: positive

    Buy The Book: What You Should Be Reading This Summer

    So it’s time to grab your canvas tote and head outside (under some shade with sunscreen, please) to dive into your favorite book or new summer sizzler. For many of us, there’s nothing better on a hot summer day than a cold drink and a hot new book. But what…

    We’re The Ones Who Can Change It, And That Gives Me Hope By Mary Fridley

    By Mary Fridley   Dementia is not easy on anyone. Does it help that dementia continues to be framed by a dehumanizing “tragedy narrative” perpetuated in a self-serving fashion by a biomedical industry that has few if any answers? Definitely not. But the rest of us – including the “us”…

    Pride And Purpose: The LGBTQ+ Elder Community

    Each June, around the country, there is the recognition and celebration of Pride Month, to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York City and to acknowledge the hard-won (and ongoing) battles of the LGBTQ+ community to achieve equality. It’s more than just a month to display rainbow pennants and…

    Draft Your Legacy Letter in 15 Minutes With 5 Simple Steps By Kathleen Rehl

    By Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®., CeFT® Emeritus       What’s a Legacy Letter?   We all want to be remembered, to leave something behind at the end of our life —more than just money and “stuff.” What influence do you want to have when you’re gone?   You…

    Charles Blow, New York Times Opinion Columnist from his recent essay, The Beauty of Embracing Aging

    “No matter how young you may look or feel, time refuses to rest. It forges on. I’m now right around the age my parents were when I first considered them old. I’m not sure when the world will consider me old — maybe it already does — but I do…

    No Stress: Lowering Your Stress Levels Will Improve Your Health

    No one could blame you if you feel under stress these days. Putting aside world and domestic events (which are likely the cause of stress for an untold number of us), if your health is problematic, your caregiving responsibilities are significant, your money concerns are ever-present or life is not…