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    Search Results for: mediterranean diet

    Dementia Decisions: Actions To Take Pre and Post Diagnosis

     As we previously noted in agebuzz, a significant number of us worry that we may someday develop dementia. But as Erma Bombeck said, “Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” If instead, you’d like to do more than just…

    Chronic Inflammation: How To Reduce Its Impact On Your Aging Health

    You know the feeling: maybe you’ve fallen and smacked your ankle or by accident cut your skin, and suddenly the injured area is sore, swollen and painful. But that’s not just the injury you’re feeling- it’s also your body’s inflammatory response kicking in, as your body begins to heal itself….

    Genetics As Destiny? Why Your Lifestyle Is Key To Healthy Aging

    Most of us have probably had a concern like this: My mom had dementia so I’m likely at risk, or cancer runs in my family so I may develop cancer, or my Dad had a heart attack at a relatively young age, so I’m likely going to have one. No…

    Better Than a New Year’s Resolution Set Your Big Grin Goal for 2023 By Kathleen Rehl

    By Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus   Welcome to 2023! Are you thinking about making a New Year’s resolution? Have you done this before? Possibly you focused on a self-improvement goal, like losing the 5 pounds you gained between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.   Maybe you resolved…

    Countering Cognitive Decline: Ways To Keep Your Brain Young

    It’s an almost universal fear: What will happen if you begin to notice cognitive decline in yourself? Perhaps you start to forget a few names or places. Or maybe it takes you a little longer to do some simple calculations. Or what if you’ve forgotten an event that a friend…