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    Search Results for: positive

    Match Point: More Research On Marriage And Later Life

    While we know that “gray divorce” is increasing in numbers, it’s also important to acknowledge the positive aspects of marriage in later life. New analysis from the Centers for Disease Control makes one thing clear: There are definitive health and longevity advantages from being married.   The comparison data between…

    Michael Kors, American Fashion Designer

    “I think the older I get, the more I realize that the ultimate luxury is time.”

    Dennet, a poetry writer on Medium

    “Years dwindle, a countdown in reverse — many scratch Bucket Lists of all not done to be done. Not I — No lists of incomplete dreams, not because I have none but because they no longer matter — I have what I need, the rest is waste —a lesson of age…

    Intense Or Estranged: What’s Your Grandparenting Situation?

    Any of you who are grandparents likely understand that your relationship with your grandchildren is only as good as your relationship with their parents. Those who are close with their adult children are likely to have a closer relationship with the grandchildren than those whose adult children are estranged or…

    Tea Cup: Does Research Support The Health Benefits Of Tea Drinking?

    It’s easy to get taken in by the headlines, and this past week’s news had many about the brain benefits derived from drinking tea. Reporting in the journal Aging, researchers from the National University of Singapore published findings from a small study of 36 older adults that examined the efficiency…

    Fashionable Defiance: Using Fashion To Be Visible And Empowered

    It’s fall and for some of us, that means one major thing: fashion season, when the latest trends sashay down the runway and we’re shown what will be in the stores (or online) next spring. One surprising and positive trend? It seems that more older women are walking the runway…