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    Search Results for: positive

    Think Twice: New Research Links Negative Thinking With Dementia Risk

    It may be difficult at this moment to stay upbeat and positive, given all of the challenges we’re facing as both individuals and within larger communities. Even in normal times, scientists tell us that out of the 50 – 70,000 subconscious thoughts we have each day, 80% of those are…

    Vitamin D During The Pandemic: Does The Data Show It Helps?

    Right now, many of us are looking for whatever advice or edge we can find to keep ourselves healthy and avoid infection from the coronavirus (or at least limit its severity should we become infected). Recent reports have raised the question as to whether Vitamin D could be one more…

    Get Your Ducks in a Row – A Powerhouse Patient is a Person Who is Prepared – COVID-19 Edition by Julie Buyon

    By agebuzz Contributing Editor Julie Buyon   As a wise friend said, “The unexpected happens when you least expect it, so being prepared can bring great peace of mind.” Folks who live in areas that are regularly at risk for natural disasters, such as hurricanes, seasonal flooding, or tornados, know to have…

    John Lubbock, a British banker, and politician, best known for his books on archaeology and entomology

    “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”

    Losing Touch: The Challenge of Touch Deprivation During Quarantine

    The public health guidance has been clear and ongoing: Avoid shaking hands and touching foreign objects or people; wear gloves when you come into contact with frequently-touched surfaces; don’t touch your face; maintain social distance and avoid close proximity to other people. In essence, touching another person outside of your…

    Leo Buscaglia, American Author and Motivational Speaker

    “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”