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    Search Results for: positive

    Aging Today And Tomorrow: How Will The Pandemic Change Aging Going Forward?

    If there’s one thing that COVID has revealed, it’s the contradictory nature of aging at this moment in time. Never have the words of Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” rung more true. For many seniors, the pandemic has truly been a horror…

    Focus On Films: Two Views Of Living In The Later Years

    The British documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis once said, “Documentaries shouldn’t just reflect the world: they should try and explain why reality is like it is.” If that’s the case, then two recent documentaries featuring older adults reveal a duality of what aging is like in this day and age. On…

    Take It Outside: Braving The Cold For Better Health

    By now you know the drill: gathering inside with people beyond your immediate household poses significant Covid risk, especially as the new Covid-19 variants take hold. And while many may shudder at the thought of gathering outside during the cold winter, it seems that not only is that the safest…

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Practicing Neurosurgeon and Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN

    “The clock of life inspires me to make the most of the years that remain.”

    Battle Of The Bulge: The Harm Caused By Highly Processed Food

    So, how are those new year’s resolutions going, especially regarding your diet? Have you continued to commit to healthier eating or are you already slipping back into your old ways of cookies and croissants? Even with the best of intentions, it’s an uphill battle to maintain your discipline and stick…

    Dalai Lama XIV, The Current Highest Spiritual Lead Of Tibet

    “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”