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    Search Results for: positive

    Don’t Buy Into It: The Harm Of Ageist Stereotypes

    Throughout the pandemic (and even before that) we’ve been tracking the ageist attitudes and impact that ageism can have on older adults. Whether it’s been questioning the provision of limited COVID treatments for older adults or the layoffs of older workers during the economic downturn (not to mention the often…

    Colds, Flu And You: What Have We Learned To Protect Ourselves Going Forward?

    Those of us fortunate enough to have avoided COVID probably have something else to celebrate: no real flu and few common colds this winter. In fact, only about 1400 people in the US have tested positive for the flu this season, just a small fraction of the usual numbers. And…

    Hit These Books: New Guides For Aging Matters

    There’s no doubt that many of us have had difficulty concentrating over these past many months. Whether because of physical ailments, emotional distress, or just downright exhaustion from the monotony of so many months of limitations, it’s been hard to focus our attention on matters both weighty and small. But…

    Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

    Shake Up Your Brain a Bit: Get Outside Your Comfort Zone By Kathleen Rehl

    Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus     In Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s latest book, Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age, he says “The act of experiencing something new—or even doing something that’s typical for you, but in a different way—can all generate these new brain…

    Have A Heart: Reminders From February’s Heart Health Month

    Just like Groundhog Day, it comes around every February. That is, February is always designated as Heart Health Month, a yearly reminder that heart disease is the #1 killer in our country. And this year, and in several years to come, heart disease deaths will likely climb even higher due…