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    Search Results for: positive

    Focus On Investment Factors You Can Control By Kathleen Rehl

    By Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus   The daily news is filled with stories about people suffering personal economic discomfort. Exploding inflation, increasing interest rates, over-the-top gas prices, wages not keeping pace with expensive grocery bills and home rental costs, fear of recession, lingering pandemic problems, exploding value…

    Harold Kushner, prominent American rabbi and author of best-selling books, including When Bad Things Happen to Good People.

    “Other people may complicate our lives but life without them would be unbearably desolate. None of us can be truly human in isolation. The qualities that make us human emerge only in the ways we relate to other people.”

    Summer Strolls: Why It’s So Valuable To Keep On Walking

    It’s perhaps one of the most frequent recommendations we make on agebuzz: Keep moving and keep walking. The data is incontrovertible when it comes to the health value of walking: To support, maintain and even improve your physical, emotional, and cognitive health, it’s essential that you regularly and consistently walk,…

    A Glass Half Full: Why Optimism May Be Your Ticket To Longevity

    We’ve noted it before and we can now say it again: Looking on the bright side of life may allow you to experience a better and longer life. Two newly reported studies seem to confirm that those of us who take an optimistic view toward life may be rewarded with…

    Ray Bradbury, One of the most celebrated American writers of the 20th Century, whose work spanned the genres of fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

    “Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down.”

    Delights For Dad: Some Easy-To-Order Father’s Day Gifts

    We’re just 10 days away from Father’s Day 2022- and given the year that the fathers, grandfathers, and father figures in your life have likely had, they are certainly owed a little treat to acknowledge their place in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Keeping in mind…