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    Search Results for: positive

    Leave Nothing To Chance: Why You Need To Screen For Colon Cancer

    It’s one of the most dreaded screening tests recommended for patients. In fact, you may remember that a recent survey found that the only thing worse for people than a colonoscopy was talking to relatives about the end of life! And yet colonoscopies indisputably save lives that would otherwise have…

    In Fashion: Fashion Tips From Stylish Older Women

    While it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of scrolling social media, it’s also fun to be exposed to the constantly expanding list of “influencers” who have put themselves and their fashion philosophies on display, for literally all the world to see and critique. That takes a lot of…

    What To Do Before You Kick The Bucket: Effective Estate & Legacy Planning By Kathleen Rehl

    By Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus   A triple whammy sent me crashing.   My husband died. A month afterward my mother passed. And I had said farewell to my father less than two years before.    But before their deaths, they each gave me a gift that…

    Nutrition and Cognition: Can A Daily Multivitamin Support Your Aging Brain?

    There’s no doubt that prior evidence has been mixed at best. While some assessments come down on the side that, generally speaking, adults do not need to rely on vitamin supplementation for healthy aging, other studies have shown that in certain cases, for certain health problems, some additional supplementation (either…

    Jane Ellen Harrison, a British classical scholar, linguist, and pioneering female academician

    “People ask: “Would you or would you not like to be young again?” Of course, it is really one of those foolish questions that never should be asked, because they are impossible. You cannot be — you that are — young again. You cannot unroll that snowball which is you:…

    Your RX For Longevity: What Can You Do To Live A Longer Life?

    If given the choice, most of us would likely opt for a longer life. But is this an actual choice? Aren’t the lengths of our lives largely predetermined by our genetic makeup? As it turns out, genetics is but one element when it comes to your longevity- your environment and…