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    Search Results for: positive

    Jamie Lee Curtis, American Actress and Author

    “I am appalled that the term we use to talk about aging is “anti.” Aging is as natural as a baby’s softness and scent. Aging is human evolution in its pure form. Death, taxes, and aging.”

    A Bite To Eat: Healthy Aging Through Conscientious Eating

    A little less than a year ago we spotlighted research results from the CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of Long Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy) Trial, a research study looking at the effects of calorie reduction on the biology of aging. The study results at that time suggested that calorie…

    Nick Cave, 65-year-old Australian musician, author, actor, and screenwriter

    “After a while, you just don’t do things you don’t wanna do – that’s the great freedom you get, the older you get. You learn what to do and what not to do, and what will be a waste of time and what won’t be a waste of time.”

    Love Lasts Forever By Kathleen M. Rehl

    By Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus   Love for both my late husband, Tom and my current husband, Charlie, has endured over decades.   On the evening of February 12, 2007, Tom died in my arms. Earlier, he had said, “Find a new partner when I’m gone. Don’t…

    Anne Lamott, American novelist, non-fiction writer, and progressive political activist

    “Oh my God, what if you wake up some day, and you’re 65, or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written, or you didn’t go swimming in those warm pools and oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable…

    One More Cup: New Studies And Insights About Drinking Coffee

    While research studies and analyses continue to send mixed signals about the health effects of coffee, the general sense that coffee is an essential, pleasurable, and protective beverage continues. With more than 2 billion cups of coffee served worldwide each day, the demand and desire for coffee remain strong. A…