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    Wayne Dyer, American self-help author and motivational speaker

    “I’ve always said that I will never let an old person into my body. That is, I don’t believe in ‘thinking’ old. Don’t program yourself to breakdown as you age with thoughts that decline is inevitable.”

    Pins And Needles: Aging With Anxiety

    There are probably lots of good reasons for you to feel anxious these days. Maybe you’re experiencing health problems. Maybe you’re worried about your family or even the future of our country. Maybe you’re concerned about inflation and the endurance of your retirement savings (or maybe even the safety of…

    Memories And Melodies: Music Connects To Key Moments From Our Life

    The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” For some of us, we can barely be without our earbuds or headphones because of the importance of music in our lives. Whether you’re listening to vinyl albums or scrolling on Spotify, having music ever-present is often…

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, poet, and philosopher

    “For every moment you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.”

    Age Debate: Does It Matter How Old You Actually Look Or Feel?

    You may remember (especially if you feel your memory is good for your age!) that about a year ago, we published a post about the significant number of people who subjectively feel younger than their chronological age. As that post made clear, many people feel younger than the calendar tells…

    Sick At Heart: A New Option For Cutting Your Bad Cholesterol

    The estimates are staggering: nearly 40 million American adults take a statin in order to lower their levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which can lead to blocked arteries and heart attacks if not kept under control. While a healthy lifestyle is also critical for keeping cardiac risk at bay, there’s…