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    Search Results for: positive

    Dementia Reimagined: A Conversation With Mary Fridley, Advocate For A Positive Approach To Dementia

    For most people, a dementia diagnosis, either for oneself or a loved one, feels like a devastating blow: a strike at the heart of what makes a person uniquely human. Few would greet such a diagnosis as an opportunity for reimagining what is possible and positive in life. Yet, for…

    Dementia Reimagined: A Conversation With Mary Fridley, Advocate For A Positive Approach To Dementia

    For most people, a dementia diagnosis, either for oneself or a loved one, feels like a devastating blow: a strike at the heart of what makes a person uniquely human. Few would greet such a diagnosis as an opportunity for reimagining what is possible and positive in life. Yet, for…

    Staying Positive: The Power Of Positivity To Preserve Your Memory

    While these are certainly challenging times, studies continue to show that keeping a positive attitude may be your secret weapon for healthier aging, for both your body and your mind. Previously in agebuzz, we’ve promoted the power of positive attitudes, citing research on the value of positivity in warding off…

    Positive Spin: Staying Healthy By Staying Positive

    No doubt about it- for many of us, it’s hard to stay upbeat and positive. Given the state of our politics and the threats of viruses and climate change, who doesn’t sometimes think about pulling the blankets over your head and shutting out the rest of the world? Add to…

    Photo Spread: Using Photography To Send Positive Aging Messages

    It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In that case, what’s the story being told by photos of older adults in the media or advertising that seem to only portray the aging as sad, lonely, confused or even silly? Such portraits only work to perpetuate out-of-date…

    Happiness/Positive Aging