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    Search Results for: pilates

    Fall All Over: New CDC Data Shows Troubling Nationwide Increase in Deadly Falls

    It’s a new month and we have a new study confirming the serious threat that falls pose to older adults. According to a recent report from the CDC examining the incidence of non-fatal and fatal falls among older adults (65 and older), from 2020-2021, there was a 7.6% increase in…

    Stretch Right Up: Should Stretching Be A Regular Part Of Your Routine?

    “Move it or lose it” is an essential mantra here at agebuzz. We are passionate about the need to stay physically active and keep moving, and about the strength you need to properly fuel that movement. Furthermore, to stay active and out and about, and to carry on your essential…

    Upright And Alright: The Many Health Benefits Of Better Posture

    Do you feel yourself hunching over? Do you worry about slumping shoulders or a rounded back? Do you have visions of your later years spent facing the ground as your head points down? These are certainly stereotypical images of older adults with poor posture- but there’s no reason to assume…

    Been There, Done That: Eight Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: Breaking Out From The Pandemic

    Breaking Out From The Pandemic By Alice Herb   I’ve been wanting to scream “Let me out of here!” for a whole year.  Now that the quarantine guidelines have been softened, and I’ve been vaccinated, have I been running out? Somewhat, but not much. Spring is almost here and it…

    Been There, Done That: Eight Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: I Talk to Myself These Days– Do You?

    I Talk to Myself These Days– Do You? By Alice Herb   Since this more rigid lockdown due to the last COVID surge, I find myself more isolated than ever. I only see four people regularly: my Pilates trainer, my housekeeper, my super, and my son. Outdoor dining is a…

    Been There, Done That: Eight Decades And Counting By Alice Herb: Independence and Autonomy

    Independence and Autonomy By Alice Herb   I am often motivated to write my blog posts because of the discussions I have with members of my family or friends. A big influence is my grown-up granddaughter, Madelyn. And it is a recent talk I had with her that spurred me…