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    Search Results for: belly fat

    Work Some Fat Off: New Reasons And Strategies For Slimming Your Physique

    At this point, the evidence is pretty incontrovertible. Obesity is a public health epidemic in the United States, and, according to a new report in the New England Journal of Medicine, predictions are that by 2030, ½ of all American adults will be obese and nearly ¼ will be categorized…

    Weight And Wonder: Are The New Weight Loss Drugs Right For You?

    Have you jumped on the weight-loss medication bandwagon yet? Have you wondered whether there’s finally a way for you to shed those extra pounds that have been plaguing you for decades and return to your svelte days of yesteryear? Although we’ve previously told you that a bit of extra weight…

    Diet Disaster: Your Previous And Current Diets Are Likely Harming Your Health

    So what’s cooking with you? Chances are, you’re actually doing a lot more cooking these days, with restaurants mostly closed and budgets more limited. Has your increased presence in the kitchen changed the way you eat? Are you improvising with whatever ingredients you can get your hands on? For some,…

    Weigh Out: Does Your Weight Matter At Your Age?

    Raise your hand if you’ve spent way too many years (decades?) worried about your weight. For far too many, concern about one’s weight, weight gain, or inability to lose weight has been an all-consuming source of anxiety and distress. Apparently, on any given day in the United States, it’s been…

    Upright And All Right: Get Rid Of That Poor Pandemic Posture

    Let’s face it: the pandemic has allowed many to slide into a lazy way of being. You may have begun to eat more, exercise less, and generally indulge in habits that are engaging or distracting, but perhaps not always healthy. Along with that slide may be another physical, practical concern:…

    Upended: New Research Changes The Way We Should Think About Metabolism

    If you’ve put on weight as you’ve gotten older (and frankly, who hasn’t?) you’ve perhaps chalked it up to a slowing metabolism. After all, as a younger adult, you could eat practically whatever you wanted because your youthful metabolism would burn up those extra calories. But once you hit middle…