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    An 80-something patient’s quote from a recent blog post entitled Five Tricks for Aging Gracefully written by Dr. Lucy McBride. Dr McBride is a writer and primary care physician in Washington DC, who publishes a regular newsletter entitled Are You Okay?

    “You only need four things in your life at my age: a doctor you can trust, friends you can lean on, a sense of humor, and a good hairdresser.”

    Refresh Your Memory: Can A Daily Multivitamin Be The Trick?

    How often do you worry about your memory? How frequently do you forget why you entered a room or struggle to remember someone’s name? And do you worry that these episodes of forgetting might portend something worse? Perhaps it’s not just occasional forgetfulness but the beginning of a memory decline?…

    Jamie Lee Curtis, Academy Award-winning actress, producer and children’s book author

    “I’m very much in acceptance of what I look like and I own what I think and feel. And that, to me, is what maturity is. You own what you think and feel. I say what I mean. I mean what I say. I try not to say it mean….

    Patricia Prijatel, the E.T. Meredith Distinguished Professor Emerita at Drake University, author and a health writer for numerous national print and online publications. This quote was from her recent post in Psychology Today.

    “I used to be young but I got over it.”

    Covid Continues: Where Do Things Stand in 2024?

    So how did you do over the holidays? Were any plans canceled due to illness? Did any holiday gatherings turn into super spreader events? If the past few winters and holiday get-togethers were any precedent, there was every likelihood that COVID-19 infection rates would climb over the holidays and hospitalizations…

    To A Tea: Reasons To Be Drinking Tea

    Chances are, if you’re reading this post at breakfast, or just getting to your emails in the mid-late afternoon, you may have a cup of tea with you. Teas of all kinds can be found in 80% of all US households, and as we’ve previously said, other than water, tea…