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    Search Results for: positive

    Parental Guidance: Advice For Caregivers Of Aging Parents

    Caring for aging parents can run the gamut from paying bills and monitoring bank accounts to such hands-on care as bathing, grooming, or feeding. If you’re fortunate, you can afford some assistance and you might have even made a longer-term plan for providing care for your older parents. But it’s just…

    Till Death Do Us Part: Couples At The End Of Life

    Anyone married for a long period of time knows that every relationship goes through ups and downs. Perhaps the greatest, and final challenge of any marriage is the anticipation of the death of one of the spouses. One can imagine that is a time of enormous stress and anxiety, along with…

    How Old Do You Feel ? The Benefits Of Feeling Younger Than You Are

    You know the saying:”You’re only as old as you feel.” It turns out there’s some scientific truth in that!   While we all age, it’s also true that we all experience aging in different ways, something that’s called “subjective” aging. Researchers in Korea wanted to determine whether there was any association between our…

    Agebuzz Video: Adapting to Disability as We Age: Meet Eileen and Tom

    As we get older, many of us will be confronted with physical disability or impairment. Some of it will be occasional, some more long-lasting, and some irreversible. How we deal with that impairment- our attitude, our adaptive behavior, the support systems we develop- will have a profound impact on our…

    What’s Playing: New Films Reflect Lives Well Lived

    It’s common to see older people belittled or betrayed in popular culture, especially in movies. But there are two new documentaries that portray a more realistic, and positive, reflection of what life can be like in your later years. First, you should take a look at Lives Well Lived, a new…

    A Guiding Light: What Are The Normal Signs Of Aging?

    We’ve all experienced the sensations: not feeling as energetic as usual, forgetting some common thoughts, feeling more susceptible to aches and pains. And we ask ourselves: Is this normal aging? Or is something wrong? Well, in a recent piece in Kaiser Health News, writer Bruce Horovitz lays out some general…