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    Search Results for: positive

    Carl Jung, Renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology

    “The greatest potential for growth and self-realization exists in the second half of life.”

    Prevention Interventions: Strategies For Addressing Your Alzheimer’s Risk

    Not so long ago, receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s was a devastating piece of news. Usually, such a diagnosis came after specific symptoms of cognitive decline appeared. Physicians had little to offer beyond recommendations for getting your affairs in order (assuming you still had decision-making capacity when the diagnosis was…

    Are You Old? When Does “Old Age” Begin For You?

    Have you reached that auspicious birthday at which point you now consider yourself “old?” In your mind, how old do you have to be to be considered old? According to new research published in the journal Psychology and Aging, our perceptions of what constitutes “old” have shifted as people have…

    Financial Planning Puts The Gold In Golden Years By Susanna P. Barton

    By Susanna P. Barton   Get out your calculators, kids – it’s time to solve some advanced senior equations with a little Grand Planning and real talk about how it all adds up. Ugh. There is nothing I dread more than budgeting and financial planning. Numbers scare me and money…

    Solo Trips: The New Trend Of Older Women Traveling Solo

    For many, the opportunity to travel is one of the great perks of entering our later years. Shedding work and family responsibilities that kept us busy during our younger days, we now have the opportunity to focus on our own interests and passions, forging ahead to new destinies that fill…

    Life Before Death: The Growing Use Of Death Doulas

    None of us leaves this world alive, and as Dame Cicely Saunders once said, “How people die remains in the memory of those who live on.” We are therefore fortunate to live in an era when the option of having a “death doula” has become more commonplace in helping individuals…