Open Wide: Keeping Up With Dental Changes As You Age

Open Wide: Keeping Up With Dental Changes As You Age
December 5, 2018
Just like the first time you saw a gray hair or realized you’re not hearing so well, there’s likely been a first time when you discovered your mouth didn’t look quite right. Maybe you noticed your smile seems smaller and crooked, or your teeth seem to be moving slightly. Changes in your teeth and gums are a natural part of aging. For example, did you know that your risk of cavities increases with age, and because of nerve shrinkage and loss of sensitivity, you may not realize you have a cavity until it’s far progressed? But poor dental health and even tooth loss is not an inevitable or necessary part of aging, especially if you take preventive and proactive measures. For an exploration of the issues and solutions out there, open wide and take a look here and here.
Of course, as you get older, what does seem inevitable is that the cost of dental procedures can be high, and your insurance coverage could be limited or even non-existent. Traditional Medicare provides virtually no coverage, though some Medicare Advantage and Medigap policies may provide some assistance. While Medicaid can provide coverage for low-income seniors, that won’t help middle-class seniors. So what is there to do if you want to keep your mouth healthy and in good repair, but your wallet just won’t cooperate? Click here to see how writer and “money coach” Lynnette Khalfani-Cox received good dental care, without sacrificing her financial future, by traveling out of the country- and if you’re curious about a “travel dental vacation” for yourself, pack your bags and read here.