One Step Ahead: The Benefits From Walking More Steps

One Step Ahead: The Benefits From Walking More Steps
March 19, 2025
Have the longer days and warmer weather inspired you to tie up your laces and get outside walking again? As we’ve continuously said, any physical movement is better than being sedentary, and the more you move, the better you’ll feel, especially if you’re outside surrounded by nature. So whether your target walk is a modest five minutes or an extended hour+, you’re going to be lowering your risk for many diseases and improving your physical and mental health.
Let’s take a look at some of the positive health effects that come from walking, depending on how long you’re able to keep it up. First, the shorter strolls. Research shows that even a 5-minute walk can regulate your blood sugar and support your weight loss goals. If you can extend that walk time to 10 or 11 minutes, you’ll be lowering your risk of some types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and even premature death. You’ll also likely be working to lower your blood pressure. Fitting in about 20 minutes a day of walking can lower your risk of heart disease by up to 30%. Bump that up to 30 minutes a day and you’ll really begin to see some substantial results. For example, research has shown that 30 minutes on a treadmill can have a significant impact on feelings of depression and enhance your sense of well-being, while 30 minutes of brisk walking several times a week is what’s recommended to help with bone loss, especially in pre-menopausal women. Additional research has shown that a 30-minute brisk walk each day can reduce your risk of death from any cause by 20%. If you can bump that up to about 38 minutes a day, you can decrease your risk of dementia by 25%.
Longer walks can produce even greater benefits. One report cites a 2024 British study that recommends walking between 9000-10,500 steps per day for the most health benefits. What can you achieve at that distance? Your heart and lung capacity will improve, your circulation will get better, and you’ll be building endurance so that your heart and lung muscles will become stronger. You’ll also be improving blood flow to your brain, which can improve your cognitive functioning, brighten your mood, and lower your sense of stress. If you can combine these longer walks with a bit of added intensity- such as picking up your pace- that combination could really kickstart your health benefits, lowering your blood pressure and decreasing your blood sugar levels.
So how far will you be walking if you put in an hour or more each day? That depends upon your walking speed and stride length. Those who are shorter may achieve more steps more quickly while those with longer legs may take longer strides and thus take longer to walk the goal of 10,000 steps (which, as you’ll remember, is not necessary for achieving positive health goals). Walking 10,000 steps could take you anywhere from one hour to 2 ½ hours, depending on your walking style. An average person walks about 2000 steps per mile, so a 10,000-step walk would be about 5 miles.
Of course, walking short or long distances is only possible if you have appropriate footwear and your feet and legs cooperate. For a look at some of the foot problems that can impede your walking, dial up your podiatrist and click here. But if you’re ready to roll and stroll, then consider joining a walking group, to keep you motivated and create some social benefits to accompany the improved health benefits you’ll likely achieve. The American Heart Association has some suggestions about creating or joining a walking club. Or, if you’re willing and able, consider finding a local walking club by connecting with a local Meet-Up group online. Whether solo or part of a crowd, the most important thing is to get outside and start your walking regimen. As Hippocrates said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.”