On Purpose: The Connection Between A Meaningful Life And Longevity

On Purpose: The Connection Between A Meaningful Life And Longevity
June 19, 2019
Some of us have been very lucky in our lives: we’ve found a life partner, nurtured a healthy family and maybe even found our life’s “purpose”- be it work, religion, volunteering or some other passion. And while luck and good timing may play a large role in these efforts, new research suggests that when it comes to your life’s purpose, finding that passion and diving in could really be beneficial- not only bringing you joy but even lengthening your life.
Just published in JAMA Network Open, this new research out of the University of Michigan reports that finding a sense of meaning in your life could be more important to your health and well-being as you get older than even exercise. Study participants, regardless of their gender, race or wealth, were 2x more likely to die if they did not have a strong life purpose. As one researcher noted, “The need for meaning and purpose is No. 1…It’s the deepest driver of well-being there is.” So focus your mind, open yourself to opportunities, and read more here.
Writing in Big Think, Matt Davis offers further insights on this recent study, including how the Japanese concept of ikigai may offer a useful way to determine what makes life worth living for you. For help in finding that passion to get you out of bed in the morning, throw off the covers and click here.
Finally, for some ideas about how to find meaning and purpose for your own life, take a look at the agebuzz resources on volunteering or consider the books and advice on this topic shared by Jane Brody from the New York Times.