Not Making It Easy: Finding Out Details About Assisted Living Facilities

Not Making It Easy: Finding Out Details About Assisted Living Facilities
February 19, 2020
Coming to the conclusion that a loved one (or even yourself) can no longer live independently is tough. But it seems that finding out about safe and affordable assisted living options is even tougher. Nursing homes receive federal dollars and therefore there are federal databases that can give you at least some information to guide your selection. But assisted living facilities, which tend to have healthier residents than nursing homes, are regulated at the state level, and the costs, reporting and licensing requirements for these facilities can vary dramatically. For a general overview of assisted living facilities and how to consider your options, take a look at some of the agebuzz resources listed here.
According to recent reports, the assisted living industry is not doing a good job of providing transparent and comprehensive info to consumers and may be promising its residents much more than it delivers in terms of the scope and quality of services. For example, a recent story on NPR shined a light on lax regulations and vulnerable residents in facilities in Vermont, where several deaths and injuries are revealing patterns of severely inadequate care and staffing. These patterns are not limited to Vermont. As Paula Span recently reported in The New York Times, litigation is now going on against Sunrise Senior Living facilities in Calfornia, alleging their staffing decisions are putting residents at risk while taking more of their money. Finally, a recent comprehensive nationwide survey of state regulations governing assisted living facilities demonstrated that state websites, ostensibly providing data on facilities, often lack such basic info as the staffing levels and availability, the type of payment accepted and whether the facility has the option of memory care.
So those thinking about assisted living may have a lot of homework to do before determining what makes sense. A recent series of articles in the Atlanta Constitution Journal (ACJ) on Georgia’s senior care industry also revealed many troubling patterns of inadequate care. So the ACJ created a useful checklist of items to ask about when considering an assisted living facility.
Finally, one point you might not consider when entering such a facility but surely could be a concern down the line: Can an assisted living facility ever move to evict a resident? It’s definitely possible, depending on the circumstances. To find out more, click here.