Making Friends With Reality: The End-Of-Life Philosophy Of Comedian Emily Levine

Making Friends With Reality: The End-Of-Life Philosophy Of Comedian Emily Levine
June 1, 2018
If you’ve ever watched a TED Talk, you’re prepared to be engaged and stimulated by the speaker, no matter what the topic. But perhaps you’ve never seen a TED Talk quite like the recent presentation of Emily Levine, who excels at both deep thinking and stand-up comedy, all in a dazzling display of intellectual wizardry. Levine’s recent TED Talk, entitled “How I Made Friends With Reality,” explores her state-of-mind, and day-to-day life, now that she has been diagnosed with stage IV, terminal lung cancer. It’s one of the funniest, and yet deeply felt, presentations about living at the end of life you may ever see. And if you’re struck by Levine’s wisdom and philosophy as her life comes to a close, you may also enjoy the commentary on this presentation by Maria Popova, the brilliant creator of the website Brain Pickings.