As you’ve probably heard, sitting is the new smoking. Mounting research shows that sedentary behavior is associated with serious health risks such as obesity, heart disease and even premature death. Getting off the couch or out of your chair is essential, and a recent study even recommends you get up from sitting every 30 minutes. So stand up and check out that advice Here. Furthermore, additional new research suggests that the combination of sedentary behavior with hours of watching television can lead to decreased walking mobility. Increasing your activity level will help: you don’t have to run a marathon- just walking or doing household chores can make a difference. Read more about this study Here. Finally, to balance that additional activity, experts recommend you also need regular strength training, to maintain your balance and lessen the risk of falls. Even just carrying your own groceries can provide that extra bit of increased muscle strength you need as you age. So, as the British say, Keep Calm and Carry On… and Read Here.