Letter Perfect: The Re-Emergence And Value Of Letter Writing

Letter Perfect: The Re-Emergence And Value Of Letter Writing
September 23, 2020
In some ways, we’ve never been more connected with our friends and family, despite the presence of social distancing. We can Telephone, Zoom, FaceTime, Text, or Email and within a matter of seconds, check up on those we are missing. Yet, for many, especially older adults, this tech-connection leaves something to be desired. We’re tired of the screens and grumpy about the beeps and pings, and in search of some deeper way to stay connected and feel together. Especially when we’re feeling alone and anxious about the state of the world, it’s valuable to know that someone out there really cares about us, and it’s important that we also show we care about others. So is there another way to “reach out and touch someone?” According to both scientific research and social observation, it looks like good old-fashioned letter writing may be just the solution we need.
Studies have shown that receiving a handwritten note can be an important affirmation that you are in the thoughts of another, an especially meaningful point given the social isolation so many are feeling. It’s also a way for the writer of the letter to step back from the reality of the moment and work through thoughts and anxieties that may be both cathartic for the writer and intimate for the recipient (not to mention it may provoke interesting responses as a result). In fact, according to AARP even before the pandemic, the art of letter writing was on an upswing, as a way to facilitate human connection. Now, of course, letter writing is a valuable way to connect with others we can’t see in person and a viable method for sending joy and positivity, even to those we’ve never met. In fact, there are lots of programs that facilitate pen pals between strangers, forge connections between different generations, and channel your desire for social activism in a way that feels useful. So, if you’re looking for an activity that virtually anyone can engage in, and for a way to brighten the day of someone you may not even know, consider the following opportunities for creative letter writing: The Shut-In Social Club, TimeSlips Postcards – “A Little Creative Care” or Postcrossing, an outlet that allows you to send and receive postcards from around the world with total strangers!
And as a further avenue of creative indulgence and thoughtfulness, you might consider upping your stationery game the next time you send Grandma a hand-written letter. Selecting a memorable piece of stationery is one way of letting your recipient know he or she is loved and well thought of. For some ideas about creating beautiful and memorable letters, take out your fountain pen and click here and here.