Land Up: Preventing Falls And Creating Alerts If You Do

Land Up: Preventing Falls And Creating Alerts If You Do
May 29, 2019
When was the last time you or a loved one unintentionally found yourselves down on the ground? Chances are if you’re 65 and older, it was quite recent. Statistics show that one out of 4 people over 65 have taken a fall, and for older people, falls are a leading cause of injury and even death. And now we have new research showing that falls are also a frequent cause of rehospitalization after hospital discharge. So, trying to minimize the risk of falling and making sure there’s a plan in place if a fall occurs is of the utmost importance as you get older. For a good overview of the impact of falls and ways to prevent or minimize their occurrence, steady yourself and read here, or check out the agebuzz resource page on falls here.
For some of us, especially if we’re on the move and active, it’s not a question of whether we will fall but rather, how quickly can we get back up and minimize injury. In a recent piece on Medium, 66-year-old writer and adventurer Julie Hubbel debunks the myth that falling at an older age is normal or inevitable. But she then describes her own active life, her regular falls and what she does to ensure that she gets right back up with little injury or time lost. For some of us, however, getting up is no easy matter once we’re on the ground. Thankfully, if you plan in advance, your next-of-kin or emergency contact can be alerted to your fall and how to find you. Over at Aging In Place Technology Watch, they’ve just posted a 2019 review of the latest and easy-to-use technologies that can detect a fall and create an alert– everything from apps on your Apple watch to alerts that require no smartphone and can even be worn in the shower. So before the fall, create an alert that makes a call- and minimize your worry and the worry of your loved ones.