In The Cold: Cool Temperature Concerns For Older Adults

In The Cold: Cool Temperature Concerns For Older Adults
January 22, 2025
You’re likely aware of the threat that extreme heat poses to older adults. What you may not realize is that cold weather, especially extremes like the polar vortex many of us have experienced this winter, can also pose a serious threat to humans, especially older adults. In fact, there’s new research that shows that cold-related mortality has more than doubled in the United States since the late 1990s. This research, published in JAMA, attributes this rise in mortality from extreme cold weather events to climate change, along with rising social ills such as homelessness and social isolation. In fact, according to experts, cold-related deaths outnumber heat-related deaths all over the world, no matter what the natural climate of the region is. As temperatures continue to rise across the earth, these data may change in the direction of more heat-related deaths, but for the moment, extreme cold weather is a serious concern when it comes to health and well-being, especially for older adults.
So what concerns should you have for yourself or a loved one when it comes to cold temperatures? Older adults generally have less ability to regulate their body heat, due to such age-related issues as loss of muscle mass, thinning of the skin, and reduced blood flow, due to blood vessel changes. Cognitive issues may also mean that older adults are not wearing proper clothing when outside in cold weather, so the risk of hypothermia becomes real. Signs that someone is suffering from hypothermia include shivering, fatigue, confusion, drowsiness, and slurred speech, and is cause for immediate medical attention. The American Heart Association also warns about the need to protect yourself from cold weather to avoid serious health problems. For example, with cold weather, blood pressure increases, especially as the body tries to keep heat in by contracting blood vessels. Studies have also shown a greater risk of heart failure and stroke from extreme cold weather. Blood vessel constriction can also impair cognition, especially if you begin to suffer from hypothermia. And breathing in cold air and expelling warm air causes the body to lose heat and can lead to greater levels of inflammation in airways, which is especially dangerous at a time when viral infections are circulating. For more on the impact of extreme weather on older adults, pull out your thermometer and look here.
Indoor temperatures are also important to monitor for the health and well-being of older adults. The World Health Organization recommends that indoor temperatures be no lower than 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit yet a recent study of Japanese homes found that 90% of those homes had a temperature below that level, leaving older adults at risk for cardiovascular events. The study suggested that investment in insulation would not only raise the inside temperature but would lower the risk of heart events, thereby extending life expectancy and reducing costs to the healthcare system. Another recent study published in The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences examined the connection between indoor temperature and older adults. This study found that the best indoor temperature to support brain health and cognition in older adults is between 68-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Swings in either direction (getting too cold or too hot) could cause trouble for seniors. This is especially worrisome for older adults who lack the economic means to heat or cool their homes. It’s another example of how climate change may pose a serious threat to both the physical and cognitive health of seniors around the globe.