Being a hospital patient can be a disorienting and distressing experience. Routines are upended, familiarity is absent and even your clothes are missing. In fact, for many of us, our clothing plays an essential role in our unique identity. Being without our usual clothes, or being forced into uncomfortable hospital gowns, can add to the physical and emotional distress of illness, even leading to the loss of dignity or unwillingness to get out of bed. Nikla Lancksweert, the co-founder of INGA Wellbeing, saw this phenomenon first hand as she watched her mother suffer during hospitalization for cancer. She determined there must be a better way: clothing that allows you to maintain a sense of style and individuality while permitting the necessary intrusion of medical devices or nursing care essential in a medical setting. Premiering on the web just last month, the INGA Wellbeing website has clothing for men and women, and ships worldwide. Listen to an NPR interview with Nikla Lancksweert Here and view the options for dressing well while feeling unwell Here.