Despite the recommendations, do you continue to ignore the advice about healthy aging? Are you foregoing regular exercise, eating junk food or bing watching tv shows for way too many hours? Unfortunately, you can only sustain that sort of lifestyle for so long until it’s likely that impairment, disability or serious illness will confront you and you’ll never recover to your former level of health and well-being. And now, researchers at the Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research at the University of Connecticut can give you a more precise tally of the toll that unhealthy habits are taking on you. They have developed a “healthy years” online calculator which can estimate how many healthy years of life are still ahead of you. The first of its kind, and still in development, this calculator may be just the kick-start you need to reform your lifestyle and take some control of the aging process. So get up to speed, crunch some numbers and Click Here.