While everyone ages differently, there are some generalizations that most of us would embrace. And the data are in: as we age, it seems we get happier. Whether it’s due to our financial circumstances, our acceptance of our all-too-human bodies or just a general contentedness with how our lives have progressed, it seems that once we reach our late 60s, a good portion of us our pretty happy with the way our lives have turned out. Want the proof? Take a look at this newly published chart Here. And if you’re just not feeling it, maybe you can take some advice from those who smile on despite the challenges. In a recent piece in Kaiser Health News, writer Bruce Horovitz interviews seniors whom he identifies as “chronically happy,” despite the vicissitudes of life. From focusing on small pleasures to accepting what life has dealt you, these seniors have some wisdom to share that sheds light on ways to make yourself happy. Check out their advice Here.