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    Guest bloggers

    Passionately written and always engaging, agebuzz guest bloggers offer expert guidance on the latest news and their personal experiences related to aging. Discover the insights of these unique writers below.

    Alice Herb

    Alice Herb is a retired attorney, journalist, and bioethics consultant. Having reached the age of 90+, she’s more than ready to share her experiences and opinions with agebuzz readers. Want to comment on something she’s said? She welcomes your feedback at [email protected]. Her blog post header title is “Been There, Done That: Nice Decades And Counting.”

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    Andrea Schubiner

    Andrea Schubiner is the Founder of Wanderful Journeys, a boutique travel advisory service that specializes in designing unique itineraries filled with enriching, off-the-beaten-path experiences, coupled with luxury service. Wanderful Journeys was founded as a vehicle to share Andrea’s love of traveling with others. A true citizen of the world, Andrea has journeyed across 95 countries and has visited over 250 cities on 6 continents. A native Detroiter, Andrea has been fortunate to also call New York, Chicago, Johannesburg, and London ‘home’ over the years. After receiving a BBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Andrea has turned her experience as a marketing professional and as a management consultant at Bain & Company, into an entrepreneurial endeavor. Her passion for adventure and severe wanderlust has molded her into an expert on all things travel.

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    Annie Fenn, MD

    DR. ANNIE FENN is a physician, chef, and author of The Brain Health Kitchen: Preventing Alzheimer’s Through Food (Artisan 2023), a science-based cookbook and care manual for the brain. She founded the Brain Health Kitchen, the only cooking school of its kind focused exclusively on helping people prevent cognitive decline through food and lifestyle. Dr. Fenn hosts Brain Health Retreats in Italy, Mexico, and Costa Rica. She writes Brain Health Kitchen, a twice-weekly newsletter on Substack to a large community of food-loving brain health enthusiasts where she provides cooking classes, in-depth lifestyle guides, and recipes. Dr. Fenn is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Cincinnati and Harvard University where she lectures young adults and medical students about brain health. Fenn lives in Jackson, Wyoming where she enjoys skiing, cycling, foraging for mushrooms and berries, and exploring the Teton mountains with her husband and dogs.

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    Bonnie Hagen

    Bonnie Hagen is the principal and founder of Bright Formulations LLC, a health and wellness company that specializes in hemp extract with CBD. The Bright Energy ® brand of hemp extract with CBD was launched with the intention of helping people achieve their health and well-being goals, using the all-natural hemp plant. Bonnie helps people use the hemp plant to free themselves from pain, insomnia, stress, and discomfort. Seeing repeatedly how this incredible plant provides protection, grounding, balance, regeneration, clarity, purpose, and peace to those who use it wisely, Bonnie decided to build a different kind of company around it. Using clean and sustainably grown ingredients in her formulations, Bonnie brings to the marketplace hemp extract with CBD that is grown without chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, is extracted without using harmful solvents and is bottled without any artificial ingredients or fillers.

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    Connie Zuckerman

    Founder and Managing Editor of agebuzz, is an attorney and bioethics consultant with decades of professional experience focused on geriatric patient care, as well as years of personal experience as a family caregiver for older relatives.

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    Daryl Moss

    Daryl Moss is the Founder of Mission To Wellness, a Nutritional, Health, and Wellness Coaching Service located in New York. Through individual one-on-one counseling as well as group sessions (all available virtually), she works with clients to provide concrete support and guidance as they journey toward better health and wellness. Due to her own serious health issues, she slowly changed the way she ate and was eventually able to get off of prescribed drugs and return to a completely normal life. Realizing the incredibly powerful effect food had on her body (both positive and negative), she went back to school and set out on a new career. She specializes in dealing with digestive issues, gluten-free diets, and weight loss.

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    Dave Donelson

    Writer Dave Donelson left his successful business career in 1999 to become a full-time freelance writer. In 2020 he both completed a memoir of his life growing up (entitled Fathers: A Memoir) and began a daily journal where he posts his thoughts, observations, and insights each day. Titled "The Journal of My Seventieth Year: A Memoir In Real Time," the first volume of this daily diary is now available for purchase on Amazon. We are delighted to share with agebuzz readers select individual posts from Dave's journal, as well as the photography that accompanies his journal entries. Dave has also published several pieces of "visual poetry" on agebuzz, part of a new visual poetry project entitled "Visions of a Certain Age," and in support of this project, he has received a grant from ArtsWestchester with funding from the NYS Council on the Arts.

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    Hope Reiner

    Hope Reiner, the Founder of Hope & I, has over 30 years of experience working with older adults. She is a Certified Geriatric Care Manager, Certified Dementia Practitioner, and the author of “Friend Power” from the book Social Isolation of Older Adults: Strategies to Bolster Health and Well-Being, published by Springer Publishing Company (2018). Her approach to one-on-one work with older adults and special needs persons is reinforced by scientific research about the essential need for loving connection, stimulation, engagement, and interaction in one’s life. For further information about her work, Hope can be reached at [email protected].

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    Julie Buyon

    Julie Buyon is a palliative care patient advocate who assists people who have serious and complex illnesses navigate a challenging health care environment. Her focus is on making patients feel empowered and powerful. She has worked in hospitals and nursing homes, and run many community programs for seniors about health care. She is also a potter and most of her clothing has mud on it someplace. Julie is a graduate of Northwestern University (BS) and Sarah Lawrence College (MA Health Advocacy). Her favorite question for the patients she meets with is “What can we do to make this better?” and her favorite – and most frequent – answer is “I think we can help you out with that!

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    Katherine Schneider, Ph.D.

    Katherine Schneider, Ph.D. (blind from birth) is a retired clinical psychologist living in Eau Claire, WI with her tenth Seeing Eye dog. She has served on several boards including the Eau Claire County Board, the Governor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities and the Benetech/Bookshare Board. In addition to numerous professional papers and articles, Katherine has published a memoir, "To the Left of Inspiration: Adventures in Living with Disabilities", a children’s book, "Your Treasure Hunt: Disabilities and Finding Your Gold" and two books for seniors (half of whom will develop disabilities later in life), "Occupying Aging: Delights, Disabilities and Daily Life" and "Hope of the Crow: Tales of Occupying Aging". She originated the Schneider Family Book Awards for children’s books with disability content through the American Library Association and an award for superior journalism about disability issues through the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. Locally, Katherine started the Access Eau Claire fund through the Eau Claire Community Foundation to help non-profit organizations work toward full inclusion of people with disabilities. She’s a passionate advocate for access for all to the good things of life, like chocolate, puzzles, and thrillers. Subscribe to her blog, for details.

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    Kathleen Rehl

    Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, authored the award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. She owned Rehl Financial Advisors before retiring to an active encore career, empowering widows with her speaking, writing, and research. Now happily “reFired,” Rehl pens legacy stories and poems, plus assists nonprofits to grow their endowments. As a zesty Boomer practicing positive aging, she gratefully continues to create and contribute . . . happily using her skills and experiences to encourage others to live their best lives, too. For more about Kathleen, see her website, She can be reached at [email protected].  

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    Kristina Lubofsky

    Kristina Lubofsky, MS, is a gerontologist certified in brain health and dedicated to enriching the lives of older adults. She's had three Alzheimer's diagnoses in her family: her father's mother and her mother's parents. It inspired her to create a company that distributed activities designed to promote learning, better brain health, and quality of life for older adults. Now, she runs a support group for caregivers of those living with dementia through the Alzheimer's Association and advocates for dementia care and better brain health through her writing.

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    Lance A. Slatton

    Lance A. Slatton CSCM is a healthcare professional with over 18 years in the healthcare industry. Lance is a senior case manager at Enriched Life Home Care Services in Livonia, MI. He is also host of the podcast All Home Care Matters, a podcast and YouTube channel. By subscribing to All Home Care Matters, you will gain access to a wealth of information and tips that can help you provide the best possible home care for your loved one. Lance writes a monthly column on McKnight’s Home Care website and he was named a 50 under 50 for 2023. Lance's brand new book, The All Home Care Matters Official Family Caregivers' Guide, is a road map for family caregivers from the start of their caregiving journey to the end, and everything in between. Lance can be reached at [email protected].

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    Louise Applebome

    Louise Applebome, 70, is a Certified Yoga Instructor in Dallas. After "retiring" from a vibrant and varied professional career, she became a yoga teacher. She teaches all her classes on Zoom right now and accepts students, young or older, from wherever they are, both geographically and in their pursuit of a yoga practice. Louise will help you stay fit and flexible, and release tension, aches & pains from the body...and the mind. Her yoga studio in Dallas is del norte yoga and you can reach out to her at [email protected].

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    Marc Rothman MD

    Dr. Marc Rothman has dedicated his professional career to helping older adults. As CEO of Lizzy Care, a full-service dementia care management company, Dr. Rothman draws from his years as a practicing physician and physician executive to design programs that deliver care more safely and effectively. Dr. Rothman is also the founder of Dementia Spring Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports artists and innovators who are telling new stories of dementia, curating programs engaging those living with dementia, and harnessing creativity to foster community and hope.

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    Mary Fridley

    Mary Fridley is on the faculty at the East Side Institute in NYC, co-creator and leader of The Joy of Dementia (You Gotta Be Kidding!), and coordinator of Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice. An accomplished teacher and workshop leader, Mary practiced social therapy for 12 years and uses the social therapeutic approach as a teacher and workshop leader. She is the author or co-author of several articles and chapters on the Joy of Dementia, including a chapter that appears in The Applied Improvisation Mindset published in August 2021. Additionally, Mary is a guest blogger for agebuzz and a playwright and theater director. She makes her living as a non-profit fundraising consultant. She can be contacted at [email protected] .

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    Molly Roffman

    Molly Roffman, PT, MA, CEEAA is the founder and director of StepWISEnow Balance Fitness. She is a licensed New York State physical therapist specializing in fall prevention and balance training. Molly’s experience in the rehabilitation of patients who sustained fractures and other fall-related injuries inspired her to develop StepWISEnow.

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    Nancy Peckenham

    Nancy Peckenham is the founder and editor of Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age. She is a former cable news executive, local news reporter, and documentary filmmaker with a focus on Latin America. She has published three books and has written about her life traveling the U.S. in a Sprinter van with her husband. When not on the move, she loves gardening and spending time with her two sons.

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    Renee Langmuir

    Renee Langmuir was an educator for 34 years in public schools and at the university level. After an unplanned retirement, Renee chronicled her transition to retirement through a series of personal essays. As challenges arose, research was done, and essays were penned, all helping her gain perspective in this new landscape. These reflections are housed on her website, The Rookie Retiree. She writes from both a research and mindfulness basis. You can reach out to her through her agebuzz email at [email protected].

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    Susanna Barton

    Susanna Barton is an agebuzz guest blogger addressing themes of caregiving, helping aged loved ones, and encouraging critical conversations about the senior experience. She has been a professional writer covering business, community, and senior issues in Jacksonville, FL, for nearly 30 years and currently serves on Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan’s subcommittee for eldercare. Her book Grand Plans: How to Mitigate Geri-Drama in 20 Easy Steps and its accompanying workbook, the Grand Planner, are available on Amazon and through the Grand Plans website. Follow Grand Plans on Facebook at @MyGrandPlans and on Instagram at @GrandPlans2022. Sign up for the Grand Plans newsletter via Substack and find the Grand Plans podcast on most major hosting sites. You can contact Susanna Barton at [email protected].

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