Gracious Giving: Some Holiday Gift Ideas From Agebuzz Bloggers

Gracious Giving: Some Holiday Gift Ideas From Agebuzz Bloggers
December 6, 2023
We have been fortunate at agebuzz to have a generous and diverse group of expert Guest Bloggers. They give generously of their wisdom and insights and as a result, we are all the beneficiaries of their largesse. But when it comes to holiday gift-giving, what do they recommend? Recently, agebuzz Managing Editor Connie Zuckerman asked them if they had suggestions about appropriate holiday gifts, especially those that are high in value but low in cost. Below are some of the insights they shared to help guide you in your own gift-giving!
Louise Applebome: Louise recommends you peruse the website where you can find a dependable, one-stop-shop for many excellent and valuable yoga props costing less than $50. She also recommends you consider 2 of her favorite books of poetry as gifts: A Thousand Mornings: Poems By Mary Oliver and David Whyte: Essentials. You can also take advantage of Louise’s yoga teaching skills by enrolling yourself or a loved one in her online yoga classes. She’s even offering a Special Holiday Offer of your first class for Free! Find out more by contacting Louise at del norte yoga.
Bonnie Hagen: Bonnie, the Founder and Owner of Bright Energy Wellness, naturally recommends one of her many excellent CBD or Hemp Products. As a special bonus for agebuzz readers, she’s offering a 30% discount off CBD Gummies and Topical Salves at with the code AGEBUZZ30. This offer is available now until January 31, 2024.
Dave Donelson: Writer, poet, and author Dave Donelson recommends a favorite book: The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy edited by John Brehm. In recommending this, Dave said, “I dip into this almost every day, reading and re-reading words that help me center and calm my life.” Of course, we also want to recommend Dave’s own book of graphic poetry, published this Fall, Visions of a Certain Age. An exceptional gift for anyone reflecting on their own aging journey.
Mary Fridley: Also offering a favorite book as a lovely gift, Mary suggests, “Let’s Develop: A Guide to Continuous Personal Growth.” Recommending this book, Mary writes, “In Let’s Develop, Fred Newman gives practical help for transforming your life. Based on 35 years of clinical practice and his discovery that people can reinitiate development at any stage in life, the book includes exercises to assist readers in creating their own lives.”
Renee Langmuir: While Renee has written about her changed shopping habits, she has a list of essential products she cherishes. As she describes them, she “faithfully uses them and they make life sweet!” Her list includes the following:
L.L. Bean Fleece Robe – Perfect when the house is chilly first thing in the morning.
Bose Portable Speaker – Perfect company all day paired with the Apple Music Classical App.
Apple Music Classical App – Not only the full classical repertoire, but ready-made playlists of contemporary music and artists destined to become new favorites.
Personal, Rechargeable Reading Light – No need to rely on table lamps for the perfect reading light.
365 Tao: Daily Meditations by Deng Ming Dao – These readings are so helpful and when I reach the end of the book, I immediately start over again.
World Market Washed Cotton Smock – European-style cotton or linen full aprons like these are usually beyond my price range. I have two of these fabulous aprons which I wear daily!
Kathleen Rehl: Of course, we want to first recommend Kathleen’s best-selling book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. But Kathleen has her own unique take on holiday gift-giving. She writes, “I suggest spending money to get together with family if they live at a distance–either going to their location or bringing them to yours. For example, now we’re planning a big family gathering for next summer in Saratoga Springs. We’ll bring together our blended family, paying for airline tickets, additional housing space, entertainment activities, meals, etc. I have a girlfriend who will be taking her family on a Disney cruise next year, with her picking up the entire tab. It’s sort of the Buy Experiences and Invest In Memories idea.“ What a great philosophy!
Lance A. Slatton: Our newest agebuzz Guest Blogger, Lance has a wealth of experience in the world of home care. His suggestion? “We have many homes that utilize the Amazon Alexa for a multitude of purposes, including Check-ins with their loved ones, Medication reminders, Emergency Services at the ready (if needed), Entertainment, Music, Weather, and even Conversational benefits. For a budget of $50, it really is priceless.”
With thanks for these wonderful suggestions and best wishes for your holiday shopping, wherever that takes you!