Going It Alone: The Challenges Of Being A Solo Ager

Going It Alone: The Challenges Of Being A Solo Ager
January 23, 2019
Whether by fate or by choice, many of us will grow older alone. Some of us never married or had a partner, some have no children, some live too far away from family to count on any help, and some are estranged from next of kin- essentially all alone. Estimates are that 20% of baby boomers are childless and for older women, nearly ⅔ of women over 75 do not live with a spouse. Those of us who fall into this category are sometimes called “elder orphans” or, in a less pejorative phrase, “solo agers.”
While some enjoy their solo lives and revel in the opportunity to do as they please, chances are that many who are alone are concerned about how to get advice and help as they get older, especially when they are in a crisis or medical emergency. Carol Marak, a senior care consultant and founder of The Elder Orphan Facebook Group, has gathered data and insights from this group of seniors, who often cobble together a network of friends or even professionals to help with such needs as powers of attorney, contacts for medical emergencies and outlets for social connection.
Another specialist in this field is Sara Zeff Geber, an aging and retirement expert, who offers retirement advice for solo agers and has published a book, Essential Retirement Planning For Solo Agers: A Retirement And Aging Roadmap For Single And Childless Adults. Geber has identified specific estate planning issues that confront solo agers, including whom to appoint as an executor of a will, how to dispense assets if there are no natural heirs, and even whom to appoint to make decisions on your behalf for critical end-of-life care. She’s also raised concerns about whether solo agers can find appropriate housing options when it comes to long term care living arrangements. So, for those of you aging solo, while you may be alone, know that advocates are out there raising awareness, and creating supports, to help ensure a successful path for your senior years.